Crazy Beautiful Lauren BaratzLogsted Books
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Crazy Beautiful Lauren BaratzLogsted Books
I thought Crazy Beautiful was a wonderful love story. Sure, it doesn't have a whole lot of romance in it - practically none at all. But it's a love story nonetheless. It's also a story about two kids who move into a new neighborhood and new school and have two totally different experiences. This is what I liked about the story. One is unaccepted by the other students and one is immediately accepted. It's heartbreaking, but it's real (though not many new students have hooks for hands). I enjoyed this story very much and read it in about three hours. It was well-paced and not one part was boring.Tags : Crazy Beautiful (9780547223070): Lauren Baratz-Logsted: Books,Lauren Baratz-Logsted,Crazy Beautiful,HMH Books for Young Readers,0547223072,Romance - General,Social Themes - Dating & Sex,Social Themes - General,Amputees;Fiction.,Bullying;Fiction.,People with disabilities;Fiction.,Amputees,Bullying,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Love & Romance,People with disabilities,Social Issues - Emotions & Feelings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Dating & Sex,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Peer Pressure,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes General (see also headings under Family)
Crazy Beautiful Lauren BaratzLogsted Books Reviews
Always has been my favorite book! Worth a read!
I just adored this book. I read it in one sitting. It was gripping from the beginning to the end.
From first reading the summary, I thought that this was going to be mostly a romantic type of story. But it was more about Lucius learning to recover by accepting what he had done. Also, it's about the kind of friendship that is meant to be treasured forever.
Her writing was brilliantly done. Loved the way she intertwined some good information that teens and adults could take into consideration. And I felt the overall plot was quite original. You don't hear to much about characters with hooks for hands (except for Captain Hook off Peter Pan LOL!)
I personally loved Aurora's character. I can see so much of myself in her. Especially her attitude towards making fun of people who are different before ever getting to know them. I agree with her 100% on that subject - it's only fair to get to know someone before you judge them.
The only problem I had with this book was that it was too short. Also, I wish there could have been more interaction between Lucius and Aurora. Overall, it was a good read and I do recommend this book to those of you who are looking for something short, simple, and cute to read.
I liked the alternating points of view in this book. I enjoyed the same writing style in Shiver and Perfect Chemistry. I liked both characters, however Lucius is not a "perfect" person. Sure, sure he doesn't have hands but he is flawed. But that's cool. There isn't a lot of time spent between the two main characters. This is a story of them learning each other and accepting each other first. I liked to read about that journey though. I was ok with that. The ending...geesh, was abrupt. I didn't like it at all, but the rest of the 190 some pages of the book is very much worth reading.
I really liked this story. I thought the characters (for the most part) were interesting - especially Lucias. My only complaints are 1) nearly every character has a really stupid, unbelievable name; and 2) it felt unfinished. The book ends suddenly leaving you saying "huh?" There was just so much more story that could have been told and I would have been eager to read it.
CRAZY BEAUTIFUL is a young adult love story, but also a coming of age for Lucius Wolfe. This story is told through his eyes and the girl he fell in love with, Aurora Belle. Each chapter flips back and forth between their voices to tell their story.
Both are attending a new high school and it's their first day. Lucius stands out because he has hooks for hands. His hands were blown off in an exposition of his own making. Since the explosion destroyed his family's home, they were forced to move. Students remember reading about what happened and have labeled him as crazy.
Aurora's mother has died of cancer. She and her dad needed to relocate and start over. When she meets Lucius, they connect on a deeper level, one that neither can understand. The set up of the story is beyond magical. It's a very short story and if I could make but one recommendation, it would be to read the book in one sitting if possible. This was a book I didn't want to put down, not until the last page was read.
My thoughts I've had this book in my `to be read' pile for a while now and finally decided to pick it up. It's a very short and small book, so if you have a few uninterrupted hours to burn then you can easily get through this quick read.
Everything about this book drew me in. The premise sounded different from what I've usually read, the cover hints of romance; which is another reason for me wanting to check Crazy Beautiful out. Though I was a little concerned that I may not like it due to the wide range in reviews on this book; some seem to like while other did not. Let me just say, decided for yourself, because I rather enjoyed this book compared to other reviewers. Many say this book is a reminder of the classic "Beauty and the Beast." Sorry, I just don't agree. Lucius is crazy or should I say, was crazy but never did I feel like he was ugly or a beast. Nor did he hold anyone captive until they fell in love with him. I just did not see the resemblance.
Since this story is told from Lucius and Aurora points of view, you get to actually get inside their heads and see and feel their emotions and reasoning. I felt the story is more about Lucius dealing with the aftermath of the stupid decision he made that caused him to get his hands blown off. Hook for hands instead of prosthetic was more a choice on his part as a punishment given to himself to scare people away from him. No one really looked at Lucius before he lost his hand. He was the kid getting pushed around, tripped, shoved into the lockers at school. Now that his hands are gone, all anyone can see of him are his hooks first and never the real human being Lucius really is.
Aurora is suffering too and for an entirely different reason. She is sweet, kind and has always been taught to like a person first until they do something to you that gives you a reason not to like you. This makes Aurora a very likable all-around good person and I loved her! When she meets Lucius, she sees Lucius first and not his hook...thus starting the connection between the two.
The story was face paced, descriptive and well written. My only complaint is that just when the story was over, I wanted it to keep going. Sure this story could have been more but I was satisfied and I think if you're looking for a different, quick read with a good story; pick this book up and see what you think!
I thought Crazy Beautiful was a wonderful love story. Sure, it doesn't have a whole lot of romance in it - practically none at all. But it's a love story nonetheless. It's also a story about two kids who move into a new neighborhood and new school and have two totally different experiences. This is what I liked about the story. One is unaccepted by the other students and one is immediately accepted. It's heartbreaking, but it's real (though not many new students have hooks for hands). I enjoyed this story very much and read it in about three hours. It was well-paced and not one part was boring.
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